SEWING & STITCHERY EXPO ASKS THE SHIBAGUYZ TO TEACH! O...M...G... Not going to minimize this at all folks, this is BIG... like King Kong big. We've been asked to teach two of our top classes at this year's Sewing & Stitchery Expo in Puyallap, WA. For those of you who don't do any sewing, quilting, other such stitchery, allow me to explain. The Sew Expo in Puyallup (pronounced pew-whallop) is the largest consumer sewing show in America. One of the largest in the world in fact. Each year over 300,000 people come to the show from around the world for seminars, hands-on workshops (like ours), a variety of style shows, and 400+ booths exhibiting the latest fabrics, tools, and supplies... including yarn! This year Shannon and Jason will be two of the names you'll see as teachers AND we'll be presenting two lunch-time fashion shows of our designs from our books and pattern line. It is rare that crocheters or knitters are asked to teach here so, truly this is an honor.
Along with our classes, we will also have an array of crochet and knit garments presented in an exclusive fashion show on Thursday and Friday at 12:30pm on the Expo Stage, 2nd floor of the Pavilion. We'll have our favorite garments on models strutting like peacocks (you expected anything less from us?).
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May 2024