Take a Tour of the Luminos Lamp from the Daylight CompanyIn case you missed our recent announcement let us start off by saying have signed on as ambassadors for the Daylight Company and their incredible line of lamps. And, while they do pay us to represent their products and produce content for them, we contacted them because we LOVED their products. In fact, when we first met the folks from the Daylight Company we were blown away by the range and quality of their products and now could not be happier to be spokespersons for such a great company.
The Daylight Company has a wide range of lamps from travel lamps to larger workspace lamps that are perfect for fiber artists, and makers of all kinds. In this video, we are giving you a tour of the Luminos Lamp right in one of our main work spaces. We knew the moment we saw it in action that we'd have to get one (or two) (or three) for our studios. And recently we did, WOOHOO! The folks at the Daylight Company sent one over and we both fell in love with it! After a wild thumb wrestling competition (best 2 out of 3 won by Shannon) the Luminos lives in the fiber arts studio upstairs… but there is a special bonus use for this FAB lamp (we show you in the video) that causes it to disappear into Jason's space every once in a while… just sayin'… You need to see it in action to really get why we love this lamp so much. So we created a video tour of the Luminos to really provide you with a detailed look all the great features it includes... not all lamps are created equal and this one stands out above the rest… by far! Click on the video below and see for yourself. Check Out Our Latest Video... All About Flatter Smoothing Spray
Shortly before we became paid ambassadors for Soak we tried Flatter Smoothing Spray for the first time... we were impressed to say the least. Imagine an ironing assistant that is starch free, biodegradable, and actually smells great (you’ll see Our favorite in the video). Oh, it also actually works! It's flat-out fabulous! See what we did there? Flat? Flatter? *ahem* Moving on…
We decided to show Flatter in action so you could see for yourselves why we like it. And, yes, this really is the only thing that can make Shannon do the ironing. Watch and you’ll see why…
Flatter Smoothing Spray is available from selected retailers locally or online. You can go to soakwash.com to see a list of retailers in your area. Special thanks to the folks at Soak for providing us with their products for our studio and for this review!
Stitch On! S&J |
AuthorShannon and Jason Leave us a tip to help us do what we do!
May 2024