Inside the design team of the Shibaguyz: |
Right now we are working on events for the release of our NEW book, Designer Crochet, coming out in April from Sterling Publishing. WOOHOO!! For our book release, we're going to be looking for book reviewers (bloggers, podcasters, makers… that's YOU!) and folks to work on a FAB sponsored giveaway we are doing around the pre-release of the book. We are also setting up workshops based on Designer Crochet, as well as book signings, and trunk shows. |
Want to review one of our online classes or webinars? We have those opportunities as well related to our Craftsy and Interweave classes. We also have a few events where we are conducting workshops that offer some unique sponsorship opportunities and we would love to chat with your company about getting involved. |
Oh yeah… and there are a TON of opportunities for fun around National Crochet Month and National Craft Month coming up this spring. See… so much FAB happening!!
Have some ideas we haven't thought of before? We LOVE creative thinkers! Don't be shy about creative ideas for promotions and events.
So… wanna come along for the fun? We'd love to have you with us!
Just go to the Contact Us form and let us know how we can get in touch with you. We'll be planning and scheming the fun times right away!
Looking forward to a FAB 2015 (and beyond!) working with you all!
Stitch On!
Have some ideas we haven't thought of before? We LOVE creative thinkers! Don't be shy about creative ideas for promotions and events.
So… wanna come along for the fun? We'd love to have you with us!
Just go to the Contact Us form and let us know how we can get in touch with you. We'll be planning and scheming the fun times right away!
Looking forward to a FAB 2015 (and beyond!) working with you all!
Stitch On!
Say hey to us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest! Just click on one of the icons below… see ya there!
We're not going to beat around the bush about this because we're just to dang excited. Let's get right to the Big Announcement:
From the Martha Stewart American Made website:
Each year Martha Stewart Living honors a group of makers, craftspeople, small-business owners, and innovators from across the country in four key categories, crafts, design, food, and style. They are recognized for their dedication to creative entrepreneurship and to building successful businesses and communities. These individuals earn the title of American Made Award Winner.
So this is a kick! See that little button up there? Yup… it's true! Shibaguyz Designz can now proudly display the badge of honor reading "As Seen On Knitting Daily TV with Vickie Howell." WOOHOO!
Back in January of this year, we received an email from the show's host and co-executive producer, Vickie Howell, telling us about this FAB new segment for Knitting Daily TV. The segment was called Space to Space and features Vickie sitting down in her studio and chatting with folks in their own studios via a virtual web cam visit… and she wanted to do a Space to Space visit with me! The topic: designing crochet and knitwear to fit men and women in a wide range of sizes. This being one of the areas we are most passionate about with our designs, y'all KNOW we didn't pass up that opportunity!
The catch… we couldn't say a WORD about it! GAH!! Y'all also know how tough it is for me to keep a secret… especially when it comes to such FAB news. But, the secret was kept until now! FINALLY, we can break the news: The new season of Knitting Daily TV is out and begins airing on PBS in different areas sometime around the end of July 2014. WOOHOO!! The episode number our Space to Space segment will be on is Episode #1310: If It Knits, It Fits.
The catch… we couldn't say a WORD about it! GAH!! Y'all also know how tough it is for me to keep a secret… especially when it comes to such FAB news. But, the secret was kept until now! FINALLY, we can break the news: The new season of Knitting Daily TV is out and begins airing on PBS in different areas sometime around the end of July 2014. WOOHOO!! The episode number our Space to Space segment will be on is Episode #1310: If It Knits, It Fits.
You can check when the show will be airing in your area directly from the Interweave website by CLICKING HERE. We put in our zip code and found the new season starts here on the 26th of July… just a few days! You can search your area listings by putting in your zip code or search by city and state.
Can't wait that long? You can also order the entire season on DVD or as a digital download right from the Interweave website! How cool is that?!? There is always so much information on these shows you'll want to play them over and over again to pick up the techniques and tips. You can order your copy or download by clicking on the photo of the DVD cover above.

We've been fans of Knitting Daily TV for a while now and Vickie is a FAB hostess and content creator for the show. Our interview time was fun and she was SO good at keeping my excited energy focused… that's a nice way of saying she didn't let me go on and on too long. HA!
Please check out the show and give us a shout out on Twitter, Facebook, Ravelry, and right here on our blog when you see the episode. Remember it is Episode #1310: If It Knits, It Fits and I will be chatting with Vickie right from the Shibaguyz Designz studio in the Space to Space segment. Just tag your Twitter tweets with #kdtv and tag us with @Shibaguyz.
As we get closer to the episode air date, we will be posting a little more about the interview including some of our thoughts on the topic we discussed with Vickie on air.
We hope you enjoy our segment as much as we enjoyed recording it! See ya on the TV!
Stitch On!
Please check out the show and give us a shout out on Twitter, Facebook, Ravelry, and right here on our blog when you see the episode. Remember it is Episode #1310: If It Knits, It Fits and I will be chatting with Vickie right from the Shibaguyz Designz studio in the Space to Space segment. Just tag your Twitter tweets with #kdtv and tag us with @Shibaguyz.
As we get closer to the episode air date, we will be posting a little more about the interview including some of our thoughts on the topic we discussed with Vickie on air.
We hope you enjoy our segment as much as we enjoyed recording it! See ya on the TV!
Stitch On!
In our chat with Vickie we talk about our passion for designing patterns that fit a wide range of sizes. Our philosophy: People should look and feel FAB in their clothes no matter their shape or size. To check out some of our designs, hop on over to our online store by CLICKING HERE or clicking one of the pattern cover photos below.

Today we have with us Karen Ratto-Whooley of KRW Knitwear. Karen is here to talk about her brand new Craftsy class Fair Isle Crochet: Demystifying Colorwork
If you haven’t heard of Craftsy before… where have you been?!? Seriously, you need to head over to their About page HERE and join the rest of us who are obsessed with this FAB teaching site. But come right back here after you go over there… because, if you're like me, you'll just start down the Craftsy rabbit hole of FAB classes and not be seen again for days…
If you haven’t heard of Craftsy before… where have you been?!? Seriously, you need to head over to their About page HERE and join the rest of us who are obsessed with this FAB teaching site. But come right back here after you go over there… because, if you're like me, you'll just start down the Craftsy rabbit hole of FAB classes and not be seen again for days…
"Years and years as a freelancer and then as an editor gave me ideas as to what pattern production could and should be…" - Michele Maks, executive editor, mainly crochet

Take an industry-savvy professional with a reputation for being delightfully impish, put her in the wilds of Maine with a desire to create something new and important in the fiber industry, and you might just get something really FAB like the new Mainly Crochet by Michele Maks.
Come along and listen in while we chat with Michele and discover just exactly what this creation of hers is all about.
Shannon and Jason
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