Inside The Designz: SynchronicityShannon asked me to put together this week's Inside The Designz post a couple of days ago. To help spur my though process into settling on an idea about which to write I opened up my Lightroom program where I keep the photos from the shoots we did for Crochet Geometry and started flipping through pictures. It did not take me very long to decide what I wanted to write about: Synchronicity. Sometimes the elements of a design, a photoshoot, and a project as a whole all come together in what is, at times, an unexpected way. Often it's something small that let's you know everything is working together for a FAB outcome. Take a look at the following photos and see if you notice anything connecting the pictures. It's subtle, but it is there I assure you. There is an element connecting these photos... and no, "they were all taken of women" does not count. Here is another example, big enough you'll see it clearer. Take a look at this one of the Mainsail Wrap. This photo was in the running to be in the book but was finally cut due to space constraints. If you said the blue flowers in the background... You're right! It's all about the background elements. Each of these photos has some item, sometimes very small, that matches the color of the garment. I assure you each of these instances were not planned in advance and Photoshop never came into play. They were simply happy accidents... it was pure luck that the perfect location for photographing these items each happened to have an background item that matched one of the garments. I love it when that happens! If the photographer does his work right you should not immediately notice the matching elements, the photo will just look even and appealing.
This matching background elements to the garment is a reoccurring theme throughout Crochet Geometry. As a photographer I try to notice everything that happens in the photo before I press the trigger... I scout out locations days and even weeks before to see what I have to work with, or I'll go to a favorite spot that I know will give me the feel I want. But sometimes, just sometimes, nature sees what you're planning and decides to lend a helping hand. It's times like that you just have to say "Thank You" and roll with it. Take some time to read through our books like Crochet Geometry and look for elements in the photography that pull together the garments and the background. It may be color, it might be texture or architecture, but ask yourself if you think it was purposely put there, or was it a happy "accident" of synchronicity that just made it though to the final printing. Only the photographer knows for sure!
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AuthorShannon and Jason Leave us a tip to help us do what we do!
May 2024